Thursday, April 30, 2009

Posh Playhouse

Image via Posh Tots

Wouldn't this be so fun and fabulous to have in your backyard?  This playhouse is definitely out of my price range but luckily Little Miss O has a talented grandfather  whom I sure would be able to duplicate this design at a fraction of the cost. This idea is definitely a keeper for when Miss O is older.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fabulous Ideas

Fabulous Button Jar and Blue Cuckoo via Whitney Deal

Fabulous hideaway spot via Whitney Deal

Friday, April 24, 2009

Love the Library at Twelve Oaks

If you've ever seen the movie 'Gone with the Wind', you'll know what I'm referring to in my post title. If not, here are some scenes from the movie.

Isn't that a fabulous library? The moulding and trim, the mantle, the curtains, the books...fabulous.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feeding Lil' Miss O

I figure that Lil' Miss O should always look as cute as possible, that includes while eating. I found some bibs that are both functional and cute on Etsy at ODannysGirl.

Organic Cotton Dining Out Travel Bib - Purple

Organic Cotton Dining Out Travel Bib - Teal

View of back pocket

This might actually be a good DIY project for all you crafty people out there or it might just be easier to order and that's just as much fun. I'm currently debating the idea of making them. I'll update if I do. Hmmm...decisions, decisions. 

Homemade Baby Food Cookbook

Little Miss O decided early on that she didn't like the taste of store bought baby food.  Since then I've been making simple homemade baby food, but I feel that I'm stuck in a rut and not offering enough variations.  While at Barnes and Noble's yesterday I found a great book called Wholesome meals for Babies and Toddlers in the bargain section for only $6.98.  The recipes look so yummy I can't wait to start trying out the recipes today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dining Room Dreams

The hubby and I are in dire need of a new dining room set.  Alright... dire need is a huge exaggeration. My in-laws were great and gave us their old set and is actually very nice, but the tone of the wood is too light. I think it would look great in a darker color, but I'm going to give it back to my in-laws since I know that it has special meaning to my mother-in-law and I know they can use it in their new house. These are a few that I like:

pictures courtesy of decorpad

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Updated Pearls

I love the look of a classic pearl necklace but lately I've been thinking that the perfect pearl necklace needs a bit of a change. You know what I mean?  A pearl necklace with a little more substance and presence.  Of course, Etsy comes to mind for unique jewelry. Here are a few pieces I fell in love with...

SEA LACE a choker made of golden 
synthetic pearls and glass beads

Dinosaur Eggs Pendant - Sterling Silver, 
Freshwater Pearls

Sister Suffragette Sterling Silver Necklace 
Purple Green and White Crystal and Pearl 

Happy Etsy Shopping!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter! I hope y'all had a wonderful day whether it was a busy egg hunting day or a lazy day at home like mine.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Etsy Luv: Aurelia and Annalise

Let me just start off stating that I love Etsy.  I know I'm not alone here in my love for all things handmade. I could seriously spend the entire day just looking at all of the shops and imagining all the things that I could buy. During my usual browsing, I came across  Aurelia and Annalise's Esty shop and I found the perfect little shoes for my Amorcito and these itty-bitty shoes would be so perfect for her. 

Aren't these simply the cutest?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is finally here!

Spring is one of my favorite seasons. I love how the weather is warm enough for dresses with cute sandals, but still cool enough to need a cardigan. This outfit would be perfect to wear today to welcome spring.  A simple, yet very elegant and feminine outfit. To say that the price tag attached to this outfit is a bit out of my price range would be the understatement of the year, but I'm sure you get my drift on what the perfect outfit would look like. This set is full of basic multi-use pieces that would great with a different colored cardigan or even without the cardigan.  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Think Thin Thursday...Update

I started a post on Thursday, but life got in the way and I never finished it. On Thursday I weighed in at 127.0 lbs. So I only lost 0.7 lbs, which is not bad considering I had a soda every day of last week.

I'll post more this Thursday. I promise.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Think Thin Thursdays...

I know today is Friday, but I figured it's better late than never. Right? I came upon Think Thin Thursday on The Southern Housewife blog and I love Bridgette's idea at The Not-So-Blog blog. This is a great way to stay motivated to lose my post-pregnancy weight.

So here is my weight picture. As you can tell, unlike Southern HW, I am not wearing stylish socks...I know... how boring... Anyways, moving on...

My goals for this upcoming week:
  1. I want to run/walk on the treadmill at least 3 times this week and not use my daughter as an excuse. She takes several 1-2 hour naps each morning that I could easily take advantage of and get up off my butt and run.
  2. No more sodas and no more late night snacks.
  3. Buy new socks (Inspired by Southern HW's cute socks).
  4. As instructed, I am on my way to post some motivational words on two other blogs.
For more info on joining Think Thin Thursday, click on the Think Thin Thursday button on the left sidebar.

Wish me luck!!