Thursday, January 15, 2009

Think Thin Thursday...Update

I started a post on Thursday, but life got in the way and I never finished it. On Thursday I weighed in at 127.0 lbs. So I only lost 0.7 lbs, which is not bad considering I had a soda every day of last week.

I'll post more this Thursday. I promise.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Think Thin Thursdays...

I know today is Friday, but I figured it's better late than never. Right? I came upon Think Thin Thursday on The Southern Housewife blog and I love Bridgette's idea at The Not-So-Blog blog. This is a great way to stay motivated to lose my post-pregnancy weight.

So here is my weight picture. As you can tell, unlike Southern HW, I am not wearing stylish socks...I know... how boring... Anyways, moving on...

My goals for this upcoming week:
  1. I want to run/walk on the treadmill at least 3 times this week and not use my daughter as an excuse. She takes several 1-2 hour naps each morning that I could easily take advantage of and get up off my butt and run.
  2. No more sodas and no more late night snacks.
  3. Buy new socks (Inspired by Southern HW's cute socks).
  4. As instructed, I am on my way to post some motivational words on two other blogs.
For more info on joining Think Thin Thursday, click on the Think Thin Thursday button on the left sidebar.

Wish me luck!!